The next generation of fantasy prologue, “Scale:The Children’s Souls Live” from MASAMI YAMADA on Vimeo.

The next generation of fantasy prologue, “Scale:The Children’s Souls Live”

For a year, we made the 900 km round trips between Tokyo and Miyagi at the end of which the filming wrapped on the 21st of February, 2011. The Great East Japan Earthquake was 18 days later. The reason for filming in Miyagi prefecture came about when we stumbled upon a location with rows of torii (traditional Japanese gates for Shinto shrines). I can’t reveal the location, but we resolved to shoot the entirety of the film in Miyagi prefecture when we received permission, though no other places would gives us permission. To top it off, we were told, “That they couldn’t give us permission for a film that amounted to porn” when they’d read the script. With nothing to lose and in order to get filming permission for the one of the locations, Kanran-tei, which is listed as one of the three exception views of Japan, we approached its administrators in the town of Matsushima and explained our situation up to that point. After a period of consideration within the office, they gave us permission. After which they offered us their cooperation and we were able to secure the location smoothly. For free, even. Over the course of a year, we were able to capture the changing seasons of Miyagi, the actors and we were able to film everything we needed and were finished by the snowy evening of February 21st of 2011. We had returned to Tokyo and were editting on the eve of March 11. A massive earthquake which even shook Tokyo and 20,000 people had lost their lives.
As for myself, I struggled to complete the film hoping that as many people could see Miyagi prefecture as it was before the earthquake. Even though I’d personally hold screening events, only a handful of people would show up. I would donate all of our measly earnings to Miyagi prefecture every March and, so, we decided to upload it on vimeo so it could be viewed around the world with the proceeds going to Miyagi prefecture on March 11th of every year. This film is a labor of love which I hope to use to blow a hole in the film industry. I hope the content of the film will be enjoyed by the people world over and contains the beauty of Miyagi’s changing seasons and by as many people as possible.

Yamada Gundan Masami Yamada


Mika is secretary to the president, Kouichi, who receives an invitation via mail from him. Mika hesitates at the unusual mail because she knows that Kouichi has a family. However, Mika decides to accept the invitation and an affair the night of the trip marks the beginning of the end. But, that was actually their doing.

Hidden summary



Comprised of three parts named, “Do Re Mi”, “Fa So La”, “Si Do(Ti Do)”.
Music for each part will only use the scales in each title. The film will be produced with two actors and 5 staff members for a total of 7 people.
The filming location was pre-earthquake Miyagi prefecture. A total of 30,000 km traveled between Tokyo and Miyagi in that single year.
The film is a next generation fantasy that links the title, music and running time.
And a seminal film that will lift the curtain for the next generation of fantasy films.